magento 2 top header

app/design/frontend/Smartwave/porto/Magento_Theme/layout/default.xml<referenceBlock name="header.links">    <block class="MagentoFrameworkViewElementHtmlLinkCurrent" name="faq">        <arguments>            <argument name="label" xsi:type="string">FAQ</argument>            <argument name="path" xsi:type="string">faq</argument>        </arguments>…

How to Use Grunt in Magento 2

Grunt is a contemporany JavaScrip task runner. The purpose of Grunt is to simplifies repetitive tasks by automating linting, compilation, minification, or uni testing. You only have to configure a…

Linux Valet Install

Linux Valet nedir?Valet Linux nedir?Linux minimalistleri için bir php yazılım geliştirme ortamıdır.Laravel valet den esinlenerek (fork) geliştirilmiştir.Vagrant yada docker dan ziyade sizi nginx in config dosyaları ile uğraştırmaz.Sadece link komutu…

Composer Auth ??

Mine was in ~/.config/composer in there is a auth.json that contains saved credentials. Like netvision73 answer, clear your OAuth token or delete the file.

Magento 2 If you would like to SSL

If you would like to SSL- Generate SSL LetsencryptWe will secure our Magento installation using SSL from Letsencrypt. Install the Letsencrypt using the apt command below.sudo apt install letsencrypt -yAfter…

Magento 2 admin terminal new user

php bin/magento admin:user:create –admin-user selmanCreate or edit an administratorUse this command to create a new administrator or to edit an existing administrator. If you’re editing an administrator, only the first…