Magento İzlenimlerim

magento 2013-2014  Magento 1 ve 2017-2018  yıllarında   Magento 1  ve Magento 2   sürümü ile  kullandığım eticaret frameworküydü fakat zamanla bu framework’de bazı şeyler çok hoşuma gitti, bazı şeylerden nefret ettim.Hoşuma…

magento 2 phtml is homege ?

$flagHome = false;$objectManager = MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager::getInstance();$request = $objectManager->get('MagentoFrameworkAppActionContext')->getRequest();if ($request->getFullActionName() == 'cms_index_index') {    $flagHome = true;}

magento 2 image size usage:php bin/magento catalog:images:resize

How to Use Grunt in Magento 2

Grunt is a contemporany JavaScrip task runner. The purpose of Grunt is to simplifies repetitive tasks by automating linting, compilation, minification, or uni testing. You only have to configure a…

Magento 2 If you would like to SSL

If you would like to SSL- Generate SSL LetsencryptWe will secure our Magento installation using SSL from Letsencrypt. Install the Letsencrypt using the apt command below.sudo apt install letsencrypt -yAfter…