eğer bir reseller yada vps iniz varsa whm arayuzunu kullanmadan cpanel in apisi ile hesap oluşturabilirsiniz
indirmek için
init('whm link','usernama','hash key Setup Remote Access Key');
//This will output the cpanel/whm version.
$version= $test->version();
echo "Cpanel/whm version : $version
//This way you can create an account.
//This function will return a result set as an array in success and will return false on fail.
$user = $_POST['user'];
$pass = $_POST['pass'];
$username = $_POST['username'];
$result=$test->createAccount($user,$username,$pass,'paket adı');
//check if creating account was successfull or not.
//print the result set
//echo $result->$status[0];
//You can get the errors like this.
cPanel hesap aç