brew install php
brew install mysql@5.7
brew services start mysql@5.7
Install Composer
php -r “copy(‘’, ‘composer-setup.php’);”
php -r “if (hash_file(‘sha384’, ‘composer-setup.php’) === ‘e0012edf3e80b6978849f5eff0d4b4e4c79ff1609dd1e613307e16318854d24ae64f26d17af3ef0bf7cfb710ca74755a’) { echo ‘Installer verified’; } else { echo ‘Installer corrupt’; unlink(‘composer-setup.php’); } echo PHP_EOL;”
php composer-setup.php
php -r “unlink(‘composer-setup.php’);”
After the command, you will have composer.phar file in the current directory and the composer command is available as:
php composer.phar [composer commnad]
In order to make composer available globally, you have to move the recently downloaded composer.phar to local user’s bin folder using bellow command:
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
Now, you can access the composer from the terminal simply using the composer
command. Thats it.
Install Valet
composer global require laravel/valet
If you have a problem with the “Changed current directory to”. You need to add this folder to your unix path. You can do this by running the following:
Run the bellow command. This will configure and install Valet and DnsMasq, and register Valet’s daemon to launch when your system starts.
Valet Problems ??
where php path ?
php –ini
In Nginx.php line 121:
Nginx cannot start; please check your nginx.conf [1: sudo: nginx: command not found
valet uninstall
brew uninstall nginx
brew remove nginx rm -f -R /usr/local/nginx rm -f /usr/local/sbin/nginx rm -r /usr/local/var/run/nginx rm -f -R /usr/local/etc/nginx rm -r /usr/local/opt/nginx
rm -f -R /usr/local/etc/nginx
open -e nginx.conf
where is nginx path ?