Zimbra default portlar

PaylaşZimbra default portlarExternal AccessGenellikle posta istemcileri için kullanılabilir bağlantı noktaları.25   smtp [mta] – incoming mail to postfix80   http [mailbox] – web mail client110  pop3 [mailbox] 143  imap [mailbox]…

zimbra DKIM 1024 bit

Step 1. Modify DKIM generatora. Edit (as root) script file /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmdkimkeyutil and replace all ‘2048’ occurrences with ‘1024’.This will allow creation of DKIM key with length 1024 and set it…
Zimbra Install

Zimbra Install

Centos 8 Install https://computingforgeeks.com/install-zimbra-mail-server-on-centos-rhel/ ssl var burada https://www.scaleway.com/en/docs/how-to-install-zimbra-on-ubuntu-xenial/ Sunucu Performans artırma http://blog.jeshurun.ca/technology/zimbra-8-7-low-memory-ram-performance-tuning Mail gitmeme Problemi http://shahzadlinux.blogspot.com/2016/03/how-to-configure-outgoing-smtp.html —– Zimbra Mail Server 8.8.15 Setup Dkim Sfp and Dmrac record #zimbra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJP8OhGLDvI&ab_channel=HBTutorial Dmarc…